Test Chain for the Atlas Protocol Proposal.

Public RPC endpoints https://atlasnet.rpc.mavryk.network
Faucet Atlasnet faucet
Full network name MAVRYK_ATLASNET_2024-02-23T10:39:51Z
Mavryk docker build mavrykdynamics/mavryk:v19.3
Activated on 2024-02-23T10:39:51Z
Block Explorers Nexus

Atlasnet has 8 second blocks (twice faster than mainnet).

Atlasnet is the first protocol running on Mavryk.

Adaptive Issuance is disabled on Atlasnet.

Install the software

⚠️ If you already have an existing Mavryk installation, do not forget to backup and delete your ~/.mavryk-node and ~/.mavryk-client.

Alternative: Use docker

To join Atlasnet with docker, open a shell in the container:

docker run -it --entrypoint=/bin/sh mavrykdynamics/mavryk:v19.3

Alternative: Build the software

⚠️ If this is your first time installing Mavryk, you may need to install a few dependencies.

git clone [email protected]:mavryk-network/mavryk-protocol.git
cd mavryk-protocol
git checkout b1e1def27039b8cede461b6614af1addefbd69da
opam init # if this is your first time using OPAM
make build-deps
eval $(opam env)
export PATH=$HOME/mavryk-protocol:$PATH

Join the Atlasnet network

Run the following commands:

mavkit-node config init --network https://testnets.mavryk.network/atlasnet

mavkit-node run --rpc-addr

Bake on the Atlasnet network

To improve reliability of the chain, you can take part in the consensus by becoming a baker. In that case, you will need some test tokens from the faucet.

If you are not a bootstrap baker, you need to register your key as a delegate using your alias or pkh. For instance:

mavkit-client register key mykey as delegate

You may now launch the baker process.

mavkit-baker-PtAtLas run with local node ~/.mavryk-node mykey --liquidity-baking-toggle-vote pass

You may run the accuser as well:

mavkit-accuser-PtAtLas run

Note that you need a minimum amount of tez to get baking rights. If you are not a bootstrap baker, it will take you several cycles to start baking.

💡 Now that you are baking, you are responsible for the network health. Please ensure that the baking processes will keep running in the background. You may want to use screen, tmux, nohup or systemd. Also make sure that the baking processes will restart when your machine restarts.